99¢ Sale: REDEMPTION ~ The Further Adventures of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer

A steal at its regular price, so don’t lose out on this bargain!

Girl of 1000 Wonders

I am excited to share with y’all today that one very special author (and dog, Danny!) dear to my heart is offering his debut novel, REDEMPTION, at that “Oh, why not?” price of only 99¢….


I adored REDEMPTION. You can read my review here and check out more about the book below. 

The sale runs December 6-13, so go out and grab it. I will say there is a sequel, and I’ve already read the first four chapters. I am absolutely hooked! 

REDEMPTION is averaging 4.5 out of 5 stars with over 285 reviews, and is the winner of the Critic’s Choice Award for Best Western of 2013. 

Purchase Links:Amazon | B&N | Apple Store | Kobo | Website

***** About the Book *****

18393873Title: REDEMPTION: The Further Adventures of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer
Author: Andrew Joyce
Release Date: August 2013
Length: 195 pages

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Are You Going to Read This?

Some very good advice indeed!!

Write of Passage

imagesM9T4SFV6Your blog is one in a million-literally, one out of a million blogs. More like one in several billion really. On average, your blog may get anywhere from several dozen to several hundred views a day. You have hundreds if not thousands of followers on WordPress and more on Facebook or Twitter. You’ve spent days perfecting your post, inserting the best images and links. You’ve re-read it until your eyes bled. You drank enough coffee to fill a one-ton truck. You click publish and wait for the top right corner of your screen to light up like the Fourth of July. Two days later, all of your efforts have awarded you 5 likes and ten views.

This is every bloggers’ nightmare come true: The overlooked, unappreciated, and possibly unread post. Why does this happen? Who is to blame?

Sometimes it happens as a result of the following:

  • poor, lazy, or redundant content

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An Excerpt from MOLLY LEE the Sequel to REDEMPTION

Going to be fantastic sequel!!

Andrew Joyce


That’s the way things stood for the next month. Business increased a little, partly due to my promoting myself as The Spicy Lady and partly because the snows had come. The miners could not work and had to sit on their claims throughout the winter or someone would take them over. I heard that last year a few miners had left for the winter and when they came back someone was sitting on their claims. It led to a little gun play with the one that was faster on the draw ending up with the mine. So with the miners not mining, there was nothing for them to do but go to a saloon and warm their insides with whiskey or their outside with one of the whores . . . or both.

I had made no progress with John Stone. He was always polite enough, but that’s as far as it went. It was…

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My Platinum Rules of Writing

Nicholas C. Rossis

From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's booksExciting stuff! The prestigious Indies Unlimited published a guest post by me a couple of weeks ago, titled “My Golden Rules of Writing.” I’m republishing here under a new name, to separate it from my previous Golden rules post. It’s nothing you haven’t read before in this blog, but it’s a fresh spin on things.

I was particularly intrigued by a comment made: “different people will get different things [from the post] … some folks may see it as satire, while others may be appalled.”

As such an interpretation hadn’t occurred to me, I wonder what you make of it.

Anyway, here it is: my Indies Unlimited guest post, in all its glory! 🙂

My Golden Rules of Writing

Writers seem to fall into one of two camps: Those who love following the rules and those who love to break them. My view? The rules taught in workshops and classrooms only matter to…

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