Guest author: Andrew Joyce – Why?

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Image: Pixabay

Why do we all live in fear? And don’t deny it … there is fear in all our lives.

Why do we hoard? Fear, that’s why. We’ve all seen those people on the hoarder shows. They’re so funny and pitiful. We enjoy laughing at them. But not so fast, my friends. Do you own a storage shed? Do you rent a unit at a storage facility? Is your attic filled with worthless stuff that you’re never gonna use?

Why do we hold on to all that crap? Fear, that’s why. We are afraid that there is just not enough. And by keeping what is essentially trash, we can live in the contented bliss of having just a little more than our neighbors. Having something material and finite, when something intangible, such as love, would enhance our lives in so many different and wonderful ways.

Why do we give…

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Author: Zoe the Fabulous Feline

My name is Zoe and I am a cat author. To clarify, I do not write about cats. I am a cat who writes. Mostly I write about life with my friend, Emily, the human who adopted me a couple of years ago. Every story I will tell you is true, or partly true--ok, maybe it's a germ of truth with a big dose of imagination thrown into each story, but hey! That's what writers do, right?

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